Korfurl Korfura - Fotoalbumok
Nikos Boti Attila 2009.06.20. 18:59
A kpek megtekintshez Adobe Flash Player 8 vagy magasabb verzi szksges. A panorma kp betltõdse utn lehet mozgatni a nzõpontot az egrrel. Ehhez kattintsunk az egr bal gombjval a kpre s lenyomva tartva mozgassuk az egeret.
You will need Adobe Flash Player 8 or later if You want to see this panorama pictures. If the panorama picture loaded, You will can move the eyepoint by the mouse. Please press the left button of mouse on the panorama picture and move the mouse while the left button is pressed.
360 gmbpanorma kpek / 360 full panorama pictures